Atlas of Data Bodies
Body Imagery and Concepts in the Art, Design and Science of the Digital Era
The collection of body data is ubiquitous in today’s society and has a fundamental impact on our perception of the body. It distorts, reinforces, or produces specific body images. The Atlas of Databodies offers an inter- and transdisciplinary platform for the investigation and a possible critique of these phenomena. It is a project consisting of a seminar, lectures, a publication series, and exhibitions. Based on impulses coming from artistic and design research, it gathers visual and conceptual knowledge from various artistic and scientific fields such as cultural and media studies, psychology and neuroscience, philosophy, architecture, art history, and visual arts. The first atlases emerged in the early modern period as a scientific classification system. The Atlas of Databodies makes use of this method by taking texts and images equally into account and at the same time reflecting on their use.
An exhibition at top e.V. gallery and project space is organized in connection to the release party at the premises of Turba Factory. A selection of artworks from the Atlas of Databodies is presented at the exhibition, as well as a recorded conversation between the editors and representatives of top e.V. about its concept and content.
Editors: Marlene Bart, Johannes Breuer und Alex Leo Freie
Contributors: Maximilian Rünker, Amy Karle, Kristin Jakubek, Juan Rubiano, Cora Groos, Martin Šálek, Henrieke Fritz, Eirini Kokkinidou, Fabian Richter, Ani Liu, Tobias Held, Gabriel S Moses, Johannes Breuer, Clara Maria Blasius, Fanny Spång, Evelyn Bencicova, Arielle Esther, Joris Demnard (Ikonospace), Julia Rückeis, Katharina Thurow, Frederike Maas, Yi-Ju Chou, Ying-Chu Wu, Vanessa Farfán, Emilia Tikka, Marlene Bart, Sang Lee, Stefanie Holzhe, Tabitha Swanson, Alex Leo Freier
Transcript Verlag:
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